September 18, 2011

Bile Thrall Conversion!

Never being able to focus on just one army at a time is a problem I know many of us gamers have, and I am definitely no exception to that rule!  My bigger problem is that it takes me so long to finish even the smallest projects that nothing I have ever truly gets finished.  With that said, it's on to the next project!  I decided that I wanted one of my Bile Thralls to represent the "Purge" special attack they have and so decided to make him explode.  Not sure how to really do it, I asked around and got some great tips from Dr. C, so thanks Jason!  I have just begun the process and can tell this will take me a while.

The paperclips sticking out are what I'm going to  mold the greenstuff around to represent the spray.  I'm also going to try a trick Dr. C gave me about glue and ink that will hopefully give a more watery effect to the the acid idea.  I'm not that great with green stuff, so modeling organs and intestines blowing out will be the hardest part for me.  The little bit of greenstuff you see is to represent a flap of skin that tore away with the tube when he exploded.  I'm going to fray the edges a little more, but I figured starting with that little bit will let me learn how to model the edges of the blown out stomach.  I will keep this updated as I go along, hopefully it won't be too long.

Edit: 9/28
Okay, no new pics yet.  I've green-stuffed a heart together, and though it looks a little big for the model it works for me!  I've also rolled up some intestine, which was easy so luckily if I need more I can make it in no time!  However, as I attempted to model liquid-looking bits I came to realize this is going to be harder than I initially thought.  So I'm cheating... I've ordered the vomit bits from the GW River Trolls sprue to give me some prefabricated liquid bits.  I figure I should be able to model from those with a little more ease.  I also just got some skeleton torsos from Bobby, which I'm going to chop up for the use of rib and spinal column bits.  Once I get the River Troll bits I'll give it another go and post something new up!

Edit: 10/3
Yay, new pics!!  I've done a little work as you can see.  I've added some green stuff to the edge of the hole and tried to fray it, though I think I need to trim down just a few more pieces.  The big thing is that I've also added in a piece of broken spinal column and some ribs to the piece.

Next I'm going to mix up some Elmers glue with water to try to create a little bit of a puddle inside the stomach area.  I'm going to try it in a small mixing bowl first in case it doesn't work, but what I'm hoping is it will dry clear but thick enough to hold a piece of plastic inside.  This way I can add clear paint to get a bloody acid effect and the green stuff organs to the puddle then, using the river troll vomit bits that just finally came in the mail, work my way out with the explosion.

September 15, 2011

Finished the Falcon!

Hooray, I finally finished painting my converted Eldar Falcon!  I think it came out pretty good for my first time using plasticard.  The top part where I added the extended fin isn't as smooth as the bottom part where I did the same, but I'm still happy with it.  Let me know what you think!

I now have 3 fully painted falcons and 1 fully painted Waveserpent.  I also have  a second waveserpent I have put a basecoat of midnight blue on, and if I get my butt around to paining the weapons I can have fully interchangeable weapon systems on all 5 vehicles.  The only thing I really need to do is change out the bottom hull weapon of my painted waveserpent.  I put a Shuriken Cannon on it back in the day when S6 weapons were defensive but now it is just a waste.